Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Where is gratitude?

Pirkei Avot is widely regarded as the main source for middot,  the good and refined characteristics that mark the behaviour of an observant Jew. These middot include greeting others in a polite and cheerful manner, not interrupting others while they are talking, not making adverse snap judgements about other people and being prepared to respect and learn from other people, whoever they may be.

In an appendix to my book, Pirkei Avot: a Users' Manual, I listed 43 good middot that we are encouraged to pursue, and a further 29 bad middot that we are charged to avoid. But it was only this week that it occurred to me that one important middah seems to be missing: hakarat hatov, gratitude to others. Our sages of old were not reticent about the importance of gratitude--even if it be towards non-human and even inanimate objects, so why do we find  no overt reference to gratitude in Avot?

Some students of Avot have suggested that Ben Zoma's words at Avot 4:1 address this issue:

אֵיזֶהוּ עָשִׁיר, הַשָּׂמֵֽחַ בְּחֶלְקוֹ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: יְגִֽיעַ כַּפֶּֽיךָ כִּי תֹאכֵל, אַשְׁרֶֽיךָ וְטוֹב לָךְ, אַשְׁרֶֽיךָ בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה, וְטוֹב לָךְ לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא

Who is rich? Someone who is happy with his lot. As it states: "If you eat from the effort of your hands, you are fortunate --  and it is good is to you"; "you are fortunate" in this world, "and it is good for to you" in the World to Come.

With respect, this does not appear to correspond to gratitude, though a person may not unreasonably feel grateful when happy with his lot. Ultimately contentment and gratitude operate in different dimensions: being contented is a passive state of mind; it does not impel one to do anything. Gratitude, however, is at least a potentially active state of mind; it has the ability to motivate a person to express gratitude to the person or circumstances that lead to us experiencing it.

If anyone has a fresh insight as to where we might find an endorsement of gratitude by the Tannaim quoted in Pirkei Avot, can they please share it with us?

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Monday, 20 May 2024

Raisi is dead: glee or gratitude?

The death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in yesterday’s helicopter crash has generated a large quantity of celebratory material online. Memes, tweets, blogposts and the like are being happily shared among his enemies and opponents. This is not surprising since he was an implacable foe of the State of Israel, a Holocaust denier and no lover of the Jewish people.

But is it right to rejoice?. At Avot 4:24 Shmuel HaKatan says,

“Don’t be happy at the downfall of your enemy and don’t let your heart rejoice when he stumbles, in case God sees you [literally “him”] and it’s bad in His eyes, and He turns His anger away from him [i.e. your enemy].”

These words are a direct quote from Proverbs (Mishlei 24:17-18) and they make us stop in our tracks and ask ourselves if our gleeful celebrations are in order or not.

To feel joy is both normal and natural. When King David wrote, “I will exalt you, God, since you have raised me up and did not let my enemies rejoice over me” (Psalms 30:2) he must have understood what such joy felt like since he was able to project that feeling on to the feelings which he expected his enemies to have.

Purim is not a precedent for rejoicing over our enemies’ downfall, since it does not focus on the death of Haman. Rather, we are supposed to direct our joy to the issue of a royal decree that the Jewish inhabitants of Ahasuerus’ empire were empowered to take up arms and defend themselves against the wider population.

So what should we do? Here’s a clue. If we cannot channel our joy from the downfall of our enemies to some other source of happiness, it is still open to us to translate it into gratitude. Rather than celebrate the death of President Raisi, we can offer our thanks to God that He has removed one of the many threats that face the Jewish nation and its homeland. Sadly, many such threats remain—but each represents the potential for future thanks to our one and true Protector.

In the Book of Psalms (Tehillim 27) we find an example of how a person who is acutely aware of God’s presence and of His intervention in events responds to the downfall of his enemies. The psalm in question uses the same Hebrew words as this mishnah for ‘downfall’ and ‘stumbling, and it is hardly likely that King Solomon, compiling the Book of Proverbs, would not have been familiar with the text of a psalm penned by his own father.

Psalm 27 can be seen as a paradigm for an ideal response to the fall of one’s foes. In it, King David acknowledges the facts on the ground—his enemies have been beaten and their malevolent intent foiled—and then does the following things:

• He affirms his continued trust in God;

• He requests further protection and sanctuary from evil;

• He proposes to offer joy-sacrifices to God and to sing His praises;

• He calls on God to lead him along the path of integrity, since his foes are ever-watchful;

• He calls on others to strengthen themselves by placing their hope in God.

There is no triumphalism here, no personal judgement of the wicked by King David, no wagging of fingers or naming of names and no suggestion that God has only eliminated his enemies because he has asked him to do so. This response is dignified, restrained and responsible: there is a strong case for arguing that we should work hard on our own feelings in order to channel our own responses to triumph over our enemies in an equivalent manner.

You can check comments and discussions of this post on its Facebook page here.

Friday, 3 February 2023

Beshalach, Be Grateful

The Torah reading that is recited in synagogues this Shabbat is parashat Beshalach. This lengthy narrative, taken from the Book of Shemot (Exodus) tracks the story of the Children of Israel as they head away from Egypt, are shielded from their pursuing former slave-masters, dramatically cross the Reed Sea, witness the destruction of the Egyptian host, sing a song of triumph that was subsequently incorporated into the daily Jewish prayer service, receive water from a rock and bread from Heaven, then survive, aided by Divine inspiration, a sudden and unexpected attack by the Amalekites.

The state of mind of the Children of Israel throughout is clearly described in the Torah. They were afraid, they were critical of Moses’ leadership, they complained. Only when they sang their shirah, their spontaneous anthem on the shore of the sea, did their mood of fear and anger lift: they praised God’s might, describing Him as a “Man of War”.  

There is one thing missing from the narrative in Beshalach: we find no explicit record of the Children of Israel saying “thank you” or employing any other verbal formula that expresses gratitude for what either God or their leaders had done for them.

Like this parashah, Pirkei Avot also contains no express guidance or advice to us that we should articulate our gratitude by saying “thank you”. But that does not mean that we should not do so. Ben Zoma (Avot 4:1) describes the person who is rich as one who rejoices in what he has, while the person who wants more, especially in terms of honour or material or bodily desires, is accounted as being in spiritual self-destruction mode (Avot 4:28). Being happy with one’s lot and accepting who one is are among the 48 things that go towards a person’s being able to acquire Torah. Saying “thank you” and feeling grateful towards God and fellow humans is a way in which one can comply with the advice that we should know what our lot is and be grateful for it.

Against that, we see that a failure to express gratitude is not enumerated among the seven signs that a person is a golem, not a chacham (i.e. an uncultivated person, not a wise one: Avot 5:8), and the status of someone who says “what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours”—a statement that we should all be content to accept our respective portions in life—is equivocal: this person is either perfectly ordinary or displays the qualities of Sodom (Avot 5:13).

The concept of gratitude is far from unknown in Jewish source materials. Examples of hakarat hatov (recognition of the good that one has received) can easily be found in Tanach and in Midrash. The same applied to the giving of thanks, particularly to God. This all makes me wonder why the need to feel and express one’s gratitude doesn’t get a mention in Avot. Could it be that this very human response to another’s action is so basic that it didn’t need to be spelled out? Or that the need for it is so well covered elsewhere that it would be superfluous to teach it here?

If anyone can provide this group with a good explanation or an insightful comment, I shall not only feel gratitude but will be happy to express it in writing!