Showing posts with label Brazenness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazenness. Show all posts

Monday, 10 February 2025

Brazen effrontery

At Avot 5:24 Yehudah ben Teyma teaches, somewhat mysteriously:

עַז פָּנִים לְגֵיהִנֹּם, וּבֽוֹשֶׁת פָּנִים לְגַן עֵֽדֶן. יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּפָנֶֽיךָ, יְיָ אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ וֵאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ, שֶׁיִּבָּנֶה בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵֽינוּ, וְתֵן חֶלְקֵֽנוּ בְּתוֹרָתֶֽךָ

The brazen-faced—to Gehinnom; the meek—to the Garden of Eden. May it be Your will, Lord our God and God of our fathers, that the Holy Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days; and grant us our portion in Your Torah.

In the previous mishnah the same Tanna urged us to be as brazen as a leopard in doing God’s will. Now he appears to be flagging the same attitude as possessing a negative quality.  Commentators have no trouble in reconciling the two teachings. If fulfilling God’s will is a desirable end, then there are times when one must adopt the posture of chutzpah, brazen insolence, in furthering that end. But brazen effrontery that is not aligned with God’s wishes is offensive and worthy of punishment. That is why the brazen can expect to end up enduring the torments of Gehinnom (whatever they may be), while the meek can expect to enjoy the tranquillity and bliss of life in the Garden of Eden.

A quite original reinterpretation of this pair of teachings comes from Rav Moshe Leib Sassover (I found this in Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker’s Ma’asei Avos). He starts with the premise, often found in chasidic writings, that there is more than one kind of righteous person, or tzaddik. For the purposes of his analysis here, we can divide tzaddikim into two classes: the reactive and the proactive. Both are righteous, but there’s a big difference between them. 

The reactive tzaddik does what he is told and gets on with his life as a sincere and committed servant of God. He spends his days and nights in prayer and praise, in contemplation of the Divine, and in studying Torah and imbibing its every shade and nuance of meaning. Not for him is the hustle and bustle of social interaction or the distraction of personal relationships: his thoughts soar towards the heavens and he troubles no-one. He is the very epitome of the meek man and it is he who will go to the Garden of Eden because there is nowhere else for him to go.

Contrast this with the proactive tzaddik. He too is a sincere and committed servant of God, but his orientation is towards his fellow man. He is pained by their failure to appreciate the beauty of Jewish practice and the noble ideals of the Torah. Not content with teaching by example, he goes after sinners and urges them to return to the fold, never losing hope and pursuing them even to the gates of Gehinnom in the hope of bringing them back.

This is a fascinating explanation of our mishnah, but it does invite an obvious question: where do we go, those of us who simply do our best to serve God on a daily basis and, being neither entirely reactive nor proactive, take our opportunities when we may?

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Sunday, 17 March 2024

The face of the leopard

There are plenty of creatures in Avot: lions, foxes, snakes, scorpions, eagles, deer and three different species of worm. There is also the leopard, who features in the first part of Yehudah ben Teyma’s teaching at Avot 5:23:

הֱוֵי עַז כַּנָּמֵר, וְקַל כַּנֶּֽשֶׁר, רָץ כַּצְּבִי, וְגִבּוֹר כָּאֲרִי, לַעֲשׂוֹת רְצוֹן אָבִֽיךָ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמָֽיִם. הוּא הָיָה אוֹמֵר: עַז פָּנִים לְגֵיהִנֹּם, וּבֽוֹשֶׁת פָּנִים לְגַן עֵֽדֶן. יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּפָנֶֽיךָ, יְיָ אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ וֵאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ, שֶׁיִּבָּנֶה בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵֽינוּ, וְתֵן חֶלְקֵֽנוּ בְּתוֹרָתֶֽךָ

Be as brazen as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer and mighty as a lion to do the will of your Father in Heaven.

The sentiment is fine: we should use our physical and mental resources for the service of God. But what is this business about being עַז (az), brazen? Unlike the other three attributes, which all have positive aspects to them, brazenness is usually regarded as a bad thing. Indeed, later in the same mishnah Yehudah ben Teyma observes that the brazen-faced go to Gehinnom, which is not a great place to be.

There is in reality no contradiction. People who are brazen are bad news—but people who can assume a mask of brazenness for a good purpose are demonstrating a noble quality that we should emulate.

What is it that we should stand brazenly against? There are many answers. Here are just a few.

The Sforno tells us to aim our עַז at sinners. If they ignore you the first or second time, don’t take no for an answer: just keep plugging away at them.

The Commentary attributed to Rashi reads the mishnah in the context of Torah learning: do not be timid about asking a question in order to understand something that has escaped you so far. It’s quite natural to hold back from asking a question in front of other students in case it reveals an even greater deficiency in one’s understanding, but that tendency has to be overcome. R’ Liepman Philip Prins, following the lead of the Alshich, extends this so as to apply to any mitzvah that might cause people to laugh or stare.

For the Kozhnitzer Maggid, the thing a person must brazenly face down is his or her own past, whenever it comes back to embarrass or haunt them. Someone who is on a path of teshuvah or repenting a particular wrong may have their past literally blow up in their face when having to taunts like “you came and ate happily in my house last year, so why won’t you do so now?” or “you can’t really object to doing X or Y because that’s how your parents brought you up—so why change now?” In response to such comments, it’s best to carry on brazenly doing one’s new thing and not to reply to jibes and taunts.   

What does all this have to do with the brazenness of the leopard? This splendidly handsome creature is the large cat with which humans throughout the ages have had the most contact. This is because it does not wait for its dinner to be delivered but actively searches for wherever the best food is most easily found—and that is where the flocks of sheep and herds of goats and cattle are.  Agile climbers and ruthless predators, they brazenly invade areas of human habitation when other large cats do not. And cats, unlike dogs, cannot be made to demonstrate real or apparent guilt or remorse for their actions.

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As an aside, some commentators prefer to render עַז as “bold” rather than “brazen”. Thus the Meiri regards this Mishnah as teaching that one should be bold in expending one’s strength in God’s service.

Also, “brazenness” has been regarded as a quality that is felt internally and which comes out in one’s conduct rather than one’s appearance since it is important to maintain a meek and bashful manner when dealing with others (Ruach Chaim). This explanation does not sit well with that of the Bartenura, who holds that it is specifically in the face that brazenness is shown.

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Monday, 22 May 2023

The will to exercise one's will-power

Pirkei Avot is not short of wildlife. Apart from scorpions, snakes and three different species of worm we find four popular inhabitants of the world of simile all listed together at Avot 5:23 when Yehudah ben Teyma opens his teaching with the following comparisons:

הֱוֵי עַז כַּנָּמֵר, וְקַל כַּנֶּֽשֶׁר, רָץ כַּצְּבִי, וְגִבּוֹר כָּאֲרִי, לַעֲשׂוֹת רְצוֹן אָבִֽיךָ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמָֽיִם

Be as bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer and strong as a lion to do the will of your Father in Heaven.

There is no shortage of rabbinical explanation as to why these particular creatures have been chosen, or of the precise significance of such a creature being “bold”, “light”, “swift” or “strong”. These qualities are clearly not to be taken literally. We can see this from the fact that, of the four, the “swift” deer is actually the slowest. This explains why it gets eaten by lions, leopards and other animals that chase it.

Why do we need two big cats? Let’s start with the lion, which is the role-model for gevurah.  This word literally means “strength”. In the context of Avot it means a particular kind of strength: self-discipline, the strength of character to control oneself (Avot 4:1). Yehudah ben Teyma’s lion can therefore be seen as a metaphor for self-control.

Where does that leave the leopard, who stands for being az (bold, brazen)? This metaphor can also be taken as a pointer in the direction of inner strength. If gevurah is the actual exercise of personal strength to control one’s instincts and urges in any given situation, being az means having the strength to decide that one wants to exercise self-control—even if it is not yet the opportunity to do so. So the leopard must face down all the attractive options to self-discipline, to recognise its importance and to cultivate the importance of exercising it. It is then the task of the lion to practice it when trials and temptations come its way.

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Based on an idea expressed in Rabbi Reuven Melamed, Melitz Yosher al Pirkei Avot.

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