Thursday, 1 April 2021

Avot in Retrospect: a summary of last month's blogposts

In case you missed them, here's a list of items posted on Avot Today in March 2021:

Sunday 28 March 2021: Mending our broken places -- a never-ending task:
Rabbi Tarfon's famous dictum about the job that we can neither resign from nor complete gets a neat make-over. 

Monday 22 March 2021: All the World's a Radio! What do Shimon HaTzaddik's trilogy of Torah, acts of kindness and service to God have to do with turning on the radio, dialling in and turning up the volume?

Sunday 14 March 2021: Hillel's Policy: Keep it Simple: It's important to match an answer to a small child's question so as not to confuse him with more information than he needs.

Wednesday 10 March 2021: "Love truth and peace": some Avot thoughts from a gentle rabbi Another second-hand bookshop "find" -- this time a set of derashot by Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Chai Uziel.

Sunday 7 March 2021: Spelling out the Praise: When Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai enumerates the praises of his five star talmidim in Avot 2:11, why does the mishnah have to say he is praising them? Is it not obvious?

Thursday 4 March 2021: When Good News Travels SlowlyRabbi Yaacov Haber's Lev Avot was published back in 2007 -- but this informative account of the mishnayot of the first three perakim, viewed in the context of their Tannaic authors, has only just come into this blogger's hands.


Avot Today blogposts for February 2021 here
Avot Today blogposts for January 2021 here
Avot Today blogposts for December 2020 here
Avot Today blogposts for November 2020 here
Avot Today blogposts for October 2020 here
Avot Today blogposts for September 2020 here